Kappa Kappa Gamma Houston Alumnae Association


Our Houston Alumnae Association has a membership of women ranging from 22 to 90+ years old from more than 120 different chapters throughout the United States and Canada. We promote longevity of Kappa values in all aspects of our lives by encouraging participation in our many different programs, which cater to all interests and annual philanthropic events. Membership in Kappa shouldn't end at graduation! Our vibrant Alumnae Association offers a wealth of opportunities to continue the sisterhood of Kappa Kappa Gamma.

The Deadline for Underwriting Opportunities for the
2024 Pilgrimage Is Friday, November 22, 2024, at 5:00 pm CT.

Writing a Reference

Click here for more information on submitting Kappa Kappa Gamma references for Potential New Members (PNMs) for spring recruitment.

Kappa Events

Get the latest information on all our upcoming events on our calendar. General meetings, board meetings, interest-group events, committee meetings, and foundation happenings--it's all there for you!

Check out photos from all of our recent events in our galleries! Members can log in to view photos from such events as the Holiday Luncheon, Holiday Tea, and Kite and Key, as well as general meetings, Night Owls get-togethers, Play Dates in the Park, philanthropy events with the Epsilon Rho chapter, and much more.

Alumnae Membership

If you are new to Houston and would like to learn more about joining our Alumnae Association, please visit our Join page.

If you are already a member of the Houston Alumnae Association and would like to pay your alumnae membership dues for this year, you may do so here by visiting our "Pay Member Dues" page.

Members who have not paid their 2023-2024 dues will only have access to the website until July 15. After July 15, only valid dues-paying members will have access to the member side of the website.

Member login

Houston Kappas, please log in above to access the members-only sections of the site. Your username is the first letter of your first name, followed by your last name, and your password is your Kappa member number. This number appears above your name on the label of The Key magazine, or you may call headquarters at 866-554-1870 to request it. Your member number should be entered with a hyphen and no preceding zeros. Any trouble? Email us.