Request a Login

If you are a dues-paying member of this group and you have never received login credentials, please complete the following form and click on the "Send Request" button.

Once you are verified as a member, you will receive a username and password at the preferred email address you list below. For security purposes, requests are processed manually and may take from 24 to 72 hours to process.

If you are not a dues-paying member yet, please make your payment before using this form.

Please request your desired username and password.

* Indicates required fields.
(Username must be a valid email address; password 6 to 8 characters long.)

Personal Info
First Name:*
Middle Name:
Maiden Name:
Last Name:*
Suffix: (Jr., III, etc.)
Title: (Mr., Dr., etc.)
To select more than one chapter, hold down the control key (PC) or command key (Mac) while clicking your selections.
Kappa Member Number:
Your Kappa member number appears on the label of the KKG national Key magazine. Your member number should be entered with a hyphen and no preceding zeros (e.g. 1-1 through 123-1234). Member numbers range from two to seven digits long. If you can't find yours, contact the national fraternity at or call 866-KKG-1870.
Initiation Year:*
Graduation Year:*
Children Under 10:
Interest Groups:
To select more than one interest group, hold down the control key (PC) or command key (Mac) while clicking your selections.
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Spouse Info
Spouse Title:
Spouse First Name:
Spouse Middle Name:
Spouse Last Name:
Spouse Suffix:
Spouse Nickname:

Electronic Addresses
Preferred Email:* Home Work
Home Email:
Work Email:
Personal Web Address:
Work Web Address:

Phone Numbers
Home Phone:
Home Fax:
Cell Phone:
Work Phone:
Work Fax:

Preferred Postal Address
Address Type:* Home Work
Address Line 1:*
Address Line 2:
Zip/Postal Code:*
* Required for USA and Canada only.

Other Postal Address
Address Type: Home Work
Address Line 1:
Address Line 2:
Zip/Postal Code:

Job Title:
Career Category:

Please enter the category that best describes either the industry in which you work or your position within the company. For example, if you are an HR director for an information technology company, you could choose either "Human Resources/Labor" or "Information Technology," whichever you feel would be most helpful to those using our Career Networking search function.

Undergraduate Education
Degree Year Major School

Graduate Education
Degree Year Major School
Don't see your degree listed? Tell us!